The TSOC_GROVEY_ONE is a ATMEGA328 based CPU board in an Embedded Module format for the new thingSoC, Internet of Things open standard. The TSOC_GROVEY_ONE allows you to leverage the large amount of software and libraries available under the Arduino IDE embedded applications.
The TSOC_GROVEY_ONE accepts any thingSoC or Mikrobus module, including a number different IoT compatible wireless Radio modules, and a variety of input and analog sensors, such as Temperature, Wind, Pressure, Air Quality, and Gases. The TSOC_GROVEY_ONE also accepts a variety of output modules, such as relays for controlling lights, pumps, or motors, as well as stepper motor and other outputs.
TSOC_GROVEY_ONE - Embedded Module :
The TSOC_GROVEY_ONE connects any thingSoC (or Mikrobus) module to the Arduino IDE, including RS-232, RS-485, GSM, GPS, BLTE, motor control, analog sensors, and others.The TSOC_GROVEY_ONE can be configured as either a thingSoC master module (female connectors), or a thingSoC slave module (male connectors), which is implemented as an assembly/build time option.
Example Applications :

Example Sensor Applications :
- Modbus Weather Sensor BOSCH BME280 Temp, Humidity, Air Pressure
- Modbus Methane Sensor MQ-4 Sensor for Methane (CH4)
- Modbus Air Quality Sensor MQ-135 Sensor for Harmful Gasses
- Modbus Lightning Sensor AS3935 Lighting Strike Detector
- Modbus Controlled Relay G6D1AASI Power Relay Control Module
Project Status :
- 11/01/2016 : Rev. 5.0 model and layout completed.