A library is the delivery room for the birth of ideas, a place where history comes to life.
—Norman Cousins
We have several man-years of effort invested in developing professional grade parts libraries for Eagle, and now we've made them available to you, our user community, on our Github Repo. The PatternAgents EagleCAD Libraries are schematic and PCB layout libraries for various electronic components and systems for use within the Eagle CAD program.
"EAGLE" by CadSoft Computer (Acronym for: Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor) is a flexible, and scriptable EDA application with schematic capture editor, PCB layout editor, auto-router and CAM and BOM tools developed by CadSoft Computer GmbH, of Germany.
PatternAgents PCB layout libraries are organized differently than you may be used to; in that we typically use manufacturer specific part numbers for our footprints. The reason for this is that not all "cross-reference" parts are identical. Organizing by (and ordering by) manufacturer specific part numbers will help to insure that you get exactly the part you were expecting. Other "Open Source" libraries for EagleCad you may find on the internet will typically use generic naming, (such as "opamp", "hex inverter", etc.), and so increase the likelyhood that you will select the wrong part or wrong package type. We have found that using manufacturer specific part numbers for our footprints removes that ambiguity, and reduces the risk of generating a bad PCB board (i.e. a "Coaster").
These libraries are updated frequently, and you should check for the latest version before generating your PCB's. Also note that some footprints are labeled "experimental" in these libraries, so be careful with those. You should always verify your design against the actual component footprints before fabrication by printing out a 1:1 plot.
For more information on Eagle, see CadSoft.
PatternAgents PCB_Libraries - Files and Downloads
PatternAgents PCB_Libraries - Contents
- PatternAgents-Beautify.lbr - Page Outlines, Power/Gnd Symbols
- PatternAgents-Logos.lbr - Logos for RoHs, ESD, etc.
- PatternAgents-Boards.lbr - PatternAgents PCB board outlines, Arduino and other small form factors
- PatternAgents-Cypress.lbr - Components from Cypress Semiconductor
- PatternAgents-NXP.lbr - Components from NXP (nee Philips)
- PatternAgents-TI-Tiva.lbr - Components from Texas Instruments
The PCB_Libraries Project by PatternAgents, LLC is available and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License